michaelmichaelmichael.com online since 2000.
We are Mini and Michael. We own and steer PRESS MINI + Mini and Michael Gallerists. Contact : info@michaelmichaelmichael.com
"PRESS MINI + Mini and Michael Gallerists" is a business establishment airing since 2011 by Mini Choi and Michael Lee, incorporated since 2008.
PRESS MINI broadcasts lifestyle inspirations: art, culture, design, food, and travel. We promote and celebrate moments and choices via events, prints,and screens. We inspire stylish people who obsess for quality and individuality. "We deliver creative solutions that work"
Mini and Michael Gallerists is an innovative global art business serving clients from Asia to North America. 200+ artists exhibited with us in 100+ exhibitions. "We buy and sell arts"
Support MMMM at Patreon http://www.patreon.com/wearemmmm
\ PRESS MINI www.Facebook.com/PRESSMINI - "We deliver creative solutions that work"
\ MMMM ONLINE SHOP: http://www.miniandmichael.bigcartel.com
\ Mini and Michael Gallerists https://www.Facebook.com/MINIandMICHAEL - "We buy and sell arts"
Exhibition 114 - Gallery of Faith - Hong Kong Sunday. June 30, 2024 Online exhibit. Artist: Christopher Lee
https://www.facebook.com/events/854289419892392/?acontext=%7B%22event_action_history%22%3A[%7B%22surface%22%3A%22group%22%7D]%7D +
Exhibition 113 - IMAGINE - A group art exhibition showcasing the artworks of children, youth, and adults in the community of Thornhill United Church. Date: May 5 and May 12, 2024, Time: After Worship Services at 11:30 am at the Gathering Place at Thornhill United Church, 25 Elgin Street, Thornhill, Ontario, Canada. Artists : Julia P., Aida P., Joan H., Negin M., Illia Z., Bahareh C., Behrad F., Maneli M., Tim M., Mikayla Lee, Lorry C., Besan A., Keira L., Danny D., Faraz G., Rianna W., Anita, Shayan R., Jasmine K., Willow S.
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=739047018421888&set=pb.100069497899217.-2207520000&type=3 +
Exhibition 112 - . what if - Gallery of Faith's Online exhibit. Artist: Rev. Dr. Alan Lai. Sunday Oct. 15, 2023
https://fb.me/e/1nrypUk3x +
Exhibition 111 - Gallery of Faith - Free Fishball Day. August 26, 2023 at Milliken Park 5555 Steeles Ave. E., Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Artist: Mini Choi
https://www.facebook.com/events/977649996619074/?acontext=%7B%22event_action_history%22%3A[%7B%22surface%22%3A%22group%22%7D]%7D +
Exhibition 110 - Gallery of Faith - Hong Kong Sunday Liturgy. July 2, 2023 Online exhibit. Artist: Christopher Lee
https://www.facebook.com/events/945912273344672/?acontext=%7B%22event_action_history%22%3A[%7B%22surface%22%3A%22group%22%7D]%7D +
Exhibition 109 - The Voice of... - A group art exhibition showcases artworks created by Andy Alaniya-Vasserman, Henry Park, Julia Klostermann, Keira De Sousa, Leslie Benson, Mikayla Lee, Mohammad Reza Safdari, Reyhaneh Safdari, Victoria Klostermann. April 2 - 30, 2023 at Thornhill United Church, 25 Elgin Street, Thornhill, Ontario, Canada
Exhibition 108 - The Colours of Fall - A group art exhibition showcases artworks created by youth and children - Abigail, Avery, David, Ellie, Gavin, Kaeley, Kaitlyn, Keira, Kevin, Leo, Megan, Mina, Olivia, Reyhanah, Riley, and Tommy, Oct 23, 2022 at Thornhill United Church, 25 Elgin Street, Thornhill, Ontario, Canada
Exhibition 107 - The Journey - An Art Exhibition Featuring works by Rev. Aaron Miller, Gukzik Lau, michaelmichaelmichael, Mini Choi, and Dr. Paul Spilsbury. Opening: April 3, 2022. Exhibition Period: April 3 - 10, 2022 at University Hill Congregation, 6030 Chancellor Blvd., University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., Canada
https://www.facebook.com/MINIANDMICHAEL/photos/pb.100063721535125.-2207520000./5273067946046292/?type=3 +
2021 Breathe Life and Rough co-organizes a cross-over Art Tiles Project to promote arts and green-living culture in Hong Kong. June 6, 2021 Shing Sai Road No.3 ,Kennedy Town, Hong Kong.
Exhibition 106 - APEST / CURATED BY MINI & MICHAEL GALLERISTS @ “FōS' SUNDAY LITURGY” SUNDAY March 15, 2020 @ 18625 Fraser Hwy., Surrey, B.C., Canada.
Exhibition 105 - Shepherd / CURATED BY MINI & MICHAEL GALLERISTS @ “FōS' SUNDAY LITURGY” SUNDAY March 8, 2020 @ 18625 Fraser Hwy., Surrey, B.C., Canada.
Exhibition 104 - EVANGELIST / CURATED BY MINI & MICHAEL GALLERISTS @ “FōS' SUNDAY LITURGY” SUNDAY March 1, 2020 @ 18625 Fraser Hwy., Surrey, B.C., Canada.
Exhibition 103 - Apostles 3 / CURATED BY MINI & MICHAEL GALLERISTS @ “FōS' SUNDAY LITURGY” SUNDAY Feb. 23, 2020 @ 18625 Fraser Hwy., Surrey, B.C., Canada, Featuring video works by Lemon Lee, Matt Lee, Michael Lee, Mini Choi Lee, and Patrick Lee.
Exhibition 102 - Apostles 2 / CURATED BY MINI & MICHAEL GALLERISTS @ “FōS' SUNDAY LITURGY” SUNDAY Feb. 16, 2020 @ 18625 Fraser Hwy., Surrey, B.C., Canada, Featuring video works by Lemon Lee, Matt Lee, Michael Lee, Mini Choi Lee, and Patrick Lee.
Exhibition 101 - Fabulous / CURATED BY MINI & MICHAEL GALLERISTS @ “FōS' SUNDAY LITURGY” SUNDAY Feb. 9, 2020 @ 18625 Fraser Hwy., Surrey, B.C., Canada
Exhibition 100 - Topography - a group art exhibition curated by Mini and Michael Gallerists at KI ATELIER. Featuring works by Michael Lee, Milk DoNg, Mini Choi, Paul Spilsbury, and Samuel Lee. Exhibition Period: Jan. 16 - 24, 2020. KI ATELIER, 101 Water Street, Gastown, Vancouver, B.C., Canada
Exhibition 099 - JOY / CURATED BY MINI & MICHAEL GALLERISTS @ “FōS' SUNDAY LITURGY” SUNDAY DEC.22, 2019 @ 18625 Fraser Hwy., Surrey, B.C., Canada
Exhibition 098 - LOVE / CURATED BY MINI & MICHAEL GALLERISTS @ “FōS' SUNDAY LITURGY” SUNDAY DEC.15, 2019 @ 18625 Fraser Hwy., Surrey, B.C., Canada
Exhibition 097 - PEACE / CURATED BY MINI & MICHAEL GALLERISTS @ “FōS' SUNDAY LITURGY” SUNDAY DEC.8, 2019 @ 18625 Fraser Hwy., Surrey, B.C., Canada
Exhibition 096 - HOPE / CURATED BY MINI & MICHAEL GALLERISTS @ “FōS' SUNDAY LITURGY” SUNDAY DEC.1, 2019 @ 18625 Fraser Hwy., Surrey, B.C., Canada
Exhibition 093 : "GRACE 2.0.1" - Curated by Mini and Michael Gallerists at “FōS' Sunday Liturgy”. Our 3rd art exhibition about "GRACE". Sunday November 10, 2019 at 17828 65a Ave #108, Surrey, B.C., Canada
Exhibition 092 : CREATING MEMORIES - a group art exhibition curated by Mini and Michael Gallerists at KI ATELIER. Featuring works by Dr. Tai-Keung Kan, Indika Gnanaratna, michaelmichaelmichael, Mini Choi, and Susan Yeung. Exhibition Period: November 7-15, 2019. KI ATELIER, 101 Water Street, Gastown, Vancouver, B.C., Canada
https://www.facebook.com/events/499357577333388/ +
Exhibition 091 : "GRACE 2.0" - Curated by Mini and Michael Gallerists at “FōS' Sunday Liturgy”. Sunday November 3, 2019 at 17828 65a Ave #108, Surrey, B.C., Canada
Exhibition 090 : "PACIFIC" - Curated by Mini and Michael Gallerists at “FōS' Sunday Liturgy”. Sunday Oct. 27, 2019 at 17828 65a Ave #108, Surrey, B.C., Canada
Exhibition 089 : “TRANSFORMER” - Curated by Mini and Michael Gallerists at “FōS' Sunday Liturgy”. Sunday Oct. 20, 2019 at 17828 65a Ave #108, Surrey, B.C., Canada
Exhibition 088 : “The Feast” - Curated by Mini and Michael Gallerists at "FōS Family Dinner: Thanksgiving Edition" Sunday Oct.13, 2019 at 17828 65a Ave #108, Surrey, B.C., Canada
Exhibition 087 : “NBHD2” - Curated by Mini and Michael at “FōS' Sunday Liturgy”. Oct. 5, 2019 at FōS 17828 65A Ave # 108, Surrey, B.C., Canada
Exhibition 086 : “TheNBHD” - Curated by Mini and Michael Gallerists at “FōS' Launching Sunday”. September 29, 2019 at FōS 17828 65A Ave # 108, Surrey, B.C., Canada
Exhibition 085 : “YOU ARE INVITED” - Curated by Mini and Michael Gallerists at “FōS' Launch Team Gathering”. September 22, 2019 at Coast Hills Community Church 17828 65A Ave # 108, Surrey, B.C., Canada
Exhibition 084 : “US” - Curated by Mini and Michael Gallerists at “The Story Between Us: A FōS Conversation Piece”. September 8, 2019 at Coast Hills Community Church 17828 65A Ave # 108, Surrey, B.C., Canada
Exhibition 083 : “IT WAS GOOD” is a group art exhibition showcasing artwork created by youth and experienced artists in Vancouver. “IT WAS GOOD” is curated by Mini Choi @ Mini and Michael Gallerists. July 26 - Aug 4, 2019 at Cambie Village Church, 3519 Cambie Street, Vancouver, B.C., Canada
Exhibition 082 : "The Twelve Apostles: - Preview of Mini Choi's Film "The Twelve Apostles" + EXHIBIT OF THE RELATED WORKS. July 19, 2019 at Cambie Village Church, 3519 Cambie Street, Vancouver, B.C., Canada
Exhibition 081 : "#ROOTED" - - an art exhibition curated by Mini and Michael Gallerists @ "Rooted: A FōS Conversation Piece" June 23, 2019 at Coast Hills Community Church 17828 65a Ave #108 Surrey, B.C., Canada
Exhibition 080 : "Apostles" - an art exhibition curated by Mini and Michael Gallerists at "Team Night", Sunday, April 28, 2019 at Coast Hills Community Church, 17828 65a Ave. #108 Surrey, B.C., Canada
Exhibition 079 : “contemplation” - an art exhibition curated by Mini and Michael Gallerists @ “Reflections on the Occupied Tomb: A FōS Conversation Piece”, Saturday, April 20, 2019. Coast Hills Community Church 17828 65a Ave. #108 Surrey, B.C., Canada
Exhibition 078 : "The Twelve Apostles: - Solo Exhibition of Mini Choi's Paintings with Preview of Mini Choi's Film "The Twelve Apostles". March 1, 2019 at Regent College, 5800 University BLVD., University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., Canada.
https://www.facebook.com/136301214920/videos/543890999424806/ + https://www.regent-college.edu/about-us/events/event-details?event_id=878&fbclid=IwAR1eFWERrjHaCZE_EJcZ5XJfSFldFhIWfG4e9_qdNGcMG4haqRy-neFNCGM +
https://www.facebook.com/events/1977082959260205/ +
Breathe Life Arts Exhibition 2018 at Hong Kong Cultural Centre, December 18 - 24, 2018. 10 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong.
Exhibition 077 : "ENDLESSNESS" - curated by Mini and Michael Gallerists, features works of art by Mini Choi and michaelmichaelmichael. ENDLESSNESS - August 18, 2018 at "The Kitchen Table", SOMA Hub, 2468 Scotia St, Vancouver, B.C., Canada.
Exhibition 076 : "FRAGMENTS" - a group exhibition presented by Mini and Michael Gallerists with Foster Eastman. July 13th - July 21, 2018 at Foster Eastman Gallery, 1442 West Pender Street, Coal Harbour, Downtown Vancouver, B.C., Canada, includes work by artists Donald Graham, Foster Eastman, michaelmichaelmichael, Mini Choi, Peter Kam, and Pieann Lee. \ Our 20th exhibition at Foster Eastman Gallery.
Exhibition 075 : "Rejoice Always" - an art exhibition presented by Mini and Michael Gallerists with Foster Eastman. May 25 - June 2, 2018 at Foster Eastman Gallery, 1442 West Pender Street, Coal Harbour, Downtown Vancouver, B.C., Canada. Featuring works by works by Ada Chan, Jenny J Y Lee, Michael Michaelmichael, Mini Choi, and Zoran Dragelj. The 75th exhibition curated by Mini and Michael Gallerists.
Exhibition 074 : "SABBATH" - an art exhibition curated by Mini and Michael Gallerists. May 19, 2018 at "The Kitchen Table", The SOMA Hub, 2468 Scotia St, Vancouver, B.C., Canada. Co-presented by Mini and Michael Gallerists with FōS, featuring works by Mini Choi and michaelmichaelmichael.
Exhibition 073 : "Allergy" - an art exhibition presented by Mini and Michael Gallerists with Foster Eastman. Feb. 2-10, 2018 at Foster Eastman Gallery, 1442 West Pender Street, Coal Harbour, Downtown Vancouver, B.C., Canada. Featuring works by Celine Simpson, Foster Eastman, michaelmichaelmichael, and Mini Choi
Exhibition 072 : "Reflections" - an art exhibition presented by MINIandMichael GALLERISTS with Foster Eastman. November 3 - 11, 2017 at Foster Eastman Gallery, 1442 West Pender Street, Coal Harbour, Downtown Vancouver, B.C., Canada. Featuring works by Matthew Haylett, Chris Reed, michaelmichaelmichael, and Mini Choi
https://www.facebook.com/events/2017455691867645 +
Exhibition 071 : "THE GARDEN" - an art exhibition presented by MINIandMichael GALLERISTS with Foster Eastman. September 29 to October 5, 2017 at Foster Eastman Gallery, 1442 West Pender Street, Coal Harbour, Downtown Vancouver, B.C., Canada. Featuring works by Indika Gnanaratna, Jeremy Lee, michaelmichaelmichael, and Mini Choi
https://www.facebook.com/events/345354685904520 +
Exhibition 070 : "Seventy Seconds" - an art exhibition presented by MINIandMichael GALLERISTS with Foster Eastman. July 21 to 28, 2017 at Foster Eastman Gallery, 1442 West Pender Street, Coal Harbour, Downtown Vancouver, B.C., Canada. Featuring works by Andrej Krestan with Meng Shen, Daniel Manrique Boeppler, Mini Choi, michaelmichaelmichael, Yu Yat-yiu with PangPang Lu, Chris Luk, HK Farm - Michael Leung with Matthew Edmondson, and Glenn Eugen Ellingsen
https://www.facebook.com/events/236640623516269 +
Blank Boy Canvas TTXS Exhibition Vancouver : April 21 - May 21, 2017 at Nelson Square, 808 Nelson St., Vancouver, B.C., Canada. Presenters: Zuni Icosahedron, Nelson Square. Partners: Art Beatus, Curiousandcreative.com. Major Sponsor: Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office (Toronto). Acknowledgement: Hong Kong Institute of Contemporary Culture. The Artist of TTXS: Danny Yung, Guest Curator for Vancouver Artist Exhibits: Paul Wong, Vancouver Artists: Paul Wong, Hank Bull, Lyse Lemieux, Heather Baker, Drew Shaffer, Josh Hon, Chris Reed, Janice Toulouse, Link Leisure, David Robinson, michaelmichaelmichael, and Annie Briard.
https://www.facebook.com/pg/PRESSMINI/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1176305032477828 +
Exhibition 069 : "THREE DAYS" - an art exhibition presented by MINIandMichael GALLERISTS with FōS. April 8 - 15, 2017 at "The Kitchen Table", The SOMA Hub, 2468 Scotia St, Vancouver, B.C., Canada. Curated by Mini Choi and Michael Lee, MINIandMichael GALLERISTS, featuring works by michaelmichaelmichael and Mini Choi for the Easter season 2017.
Exhibition 068 : "PRAISE" - a group art exhibition presented by MINIandMichael GALLERISTS with Foster Eastman. February 24 - March 4, 2017 at Foster Eastman Gallery, 1442 West Pender Street, Vancouver, B.C. Canada. Curated by Mini Choi and Michael Lee, MINIandMichael GALLERISTS, featuring works by Foster Eastman, Luisa Abuchaibe Boeppler, michaelmichaelmichael, Mini Choi, and Valancy Sissons. The 17th Exhibition in North America.
Exhibition 067 : "Love Never Fails" - an art exhibition presented by MINIandMichael GALLERISTS with FōS. February 11-18, 2017 at "The Kitchen Table", The SOMA Hub, 2468 Scotia St, Vancouver, B.C., Canada. Curated by Mini Choi and Michael Lee, MINIandMichael GALLERISTS, featuring works by michaelmichaelmichael and Mini Choi.
Exhibition 066 : "a brighter summer day" - a group art exhibition presented by MINIandMichael GALLERISTS with Foster Eastman. November 4 - 11, 2016 at Foster Eastman Gallery, 1442 West Pender Street, Vancouver, B.C. Canada. Curated by Mini Choi and Michael Lee, MINIandMichael GALLERISTS, featuring works by Foster Eastman, Meng Shen, michaelmichaelmcihael, Mini Choi, Rainer Torrado, and Vivian Wong.
https://www.facebook.com/events/1091949194234321/ +
https://www.facebook.com/minichoi/media_set?set=a.10154066713631094.1073741859.649421093&type=3&pnref=story +
Exhibition 065 : AWESOME 2.0 - a group art exhibition presented by MINIandMichael GALLERISTS with FōS. August 13, 2016 at "The Kitchen Table", The SOMA Hub, 2468 Scotia St, Vancouver, B.C., Canada. Curated by Mini Choi and Michael Lee, MINIandMichael GALLERISTS, featuring works by Babak Valizadeh, B. Wyse, Carl Amouzou, michaelmichaelmichael, Mini Choi, Miss Yellow, and Taylor Krulicki.
Exhibition 064 : AWESOME - a group art exhibition presented by MINIandMichael GALLERISTS with Foster Eastman. July 29 - August 6, 2016 at Foster Eastman Gallery, 1442 West Pender Street, Vancouver, B.C. Canada. Curated by Mini Choi and Michael Lee, MINIandMichael GALLERISTS, featuring works by Babak Valizadeh, B. Wyse, Carl Amouzou, Foster Eastman, michaelmichaelmichael, Mini Choi, Miss Yellow, and Taylor Krulicki.
https://www.facebook.com/events/217720481958392 +
Exhibition 063 : SWEAT - a group art exhibition presented by MINIandMichael GALLERISTS with Foster Eastman. Participating Artists: Jenny Jie Yeon Lee, Sean Cao, Shelf-Index, Foster Eastman, michaelmichaelmichael, and Mini Choi. Curated by Mini Choi and Michael Lee, MINIandMichael GALLERISTS. Exhibition Opening: June 3, 2016, Exhibition Period: June 3 to 11, 2016 at Foster Eastman Gallery, 1442 West Pender Street, Vancouver, B.C. Canada
https://www.facebook.com/events/1541492586159058/ +
Exhibition 062 : MELTING - The 62nd Art Exhibition curated by MINIandMichaelGALLERISTS. Co-presented by PROJECT EYEWEAR & MINIandMichaelGALLERISTS. Featuring works of art by Alfred Lai, Mini Choi, michaelmichaelmichael, and Shelf Index. Exhibition Period: May 11 -17, 2016 at PROJECT EYEWEAR, 2nd Floor, 518 - 520 Lockhart Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Exhibition 061 : MAD WORLD - The 10th ART EXHIBITION in Vancouver
- a group art exhibition presented by MINIandMichael GALLERISTS with Foster Eastman. Featuring Artists: Foster Eastman, Genevieve Graham, Michael Lee, Mini Choi, Monica Magana, Pierre Castro featuring Meng Shen.
The 61st Exhibition Curated by Mini Choi and Michael Lee [ MINIandMichaelGALLERISTS ]. APRIL 1 - 9, 2016
at Foster Eastman Gallery, 1442 West Pender Street, Vancouver, B.C. Canada
https://www.facebook.com/events/1720962798118791/ +
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JINPwxTDZbQ +
https://www.facebook.com/events/1022876797753604 +
https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10153443204256094.1073741851.649421093&type=3 +
Exhibition 059 : INSOMNIA 2 - The Moving Pictures+ Exhibition by Mini C & michaelmichaelmichael 2016. Presented by MINIandMichaelGALLERISTS. January 29 - 30, 2016 at 201 Fifth Avenue North, Seattle, Washington, USA.
"In the Mood For Love, Part 2", a joint exhibition of seven contemporary female artists, participating artists - Ada Chan, Candy Chan, Mable Lam, Mini Choi, Nguyen Da Quyen, Susan Yeung and Vivian Wong. Presented by Breathe Life Arts and Culture. December 10, 2015 to February 12, 2016 at New Gallery on Old Bailey, 4/F, 35 Tai Yau St, San Po Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
https://www.facebook.com/In-the-Mood-For-Love-Art-Exhibition-1075566635794771/timeline +
"In the Mood For Love", a joint exhibition of seven contemporary female artists, participating artists - Ada Chan, Candy Chan, Mable Lam, Mini Choi, Nguyen Da Quyen, Susan Yeung and Vivian Wong at Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre, 7A Kennedy Road, Central, Hong Kong. Presented by Breathe Life Arts and Culture. December 3 - 7, 2015
https://www.facebook.com/events/1057559187601166/ +
https://youtu.be/Mdlo1nCuUOE +
Exhibition 058 : YOUR FLYING HONG KONG TASTE BIENNIAL EXHIBITION at Videotage. Featuring video works by Lemon Lee, Matt Lee, Michael Lee, Mini Choi Lee, and Patrick Lee. Curated by Lemon Lee and Michael Lee, MiniandMichael Gallerists. November 27 to December 11, 2015 at Videotage, Unit 13, Cattle Depot Artist Village, 63 Ma Tau Kok Road, To Kwa Wan, Kowloon, Hong Kong
https://www.facebook.com/events/185278165145462/ +
Exhibition 057 : Mirage, an Art Exhibition featuring works by Mini Choi, Foster Eastman, Kirsten Geekie, Jenny Jie Yeon Lee, and Michael Lee. Curated by Mini Choi and Michael Lee. October 30 - November 6, 2015 at Foster Eastman, 1442 West Pender St., Vancouver, B.C. Canada. Presented by MINIandMichaelGALLERISTS with Foster Eastman.
https://www.facebook.com/events/155504188130794/ +
Exhibition 056 : SEPTEMBER, - a group art exhibition presented by MINIandMichaelGALLERISTS with Foster Eastman, featuring works by Mini Choi, Louis Dombowsky, Foster Eastman, Indika, and Michael Lee. Curated by Mini Choi and Michael Lee. September 11- 19, 2015 at Foster Eastman, 1442 West Pender St., Vancouver, B.C. Canada
https://www.facebook.com/events/1650753805167917/ +
https://youtu.be/ShSnNu5yKQc +
Exhibition 055 : RED - a group art exhibition featuring works by Mini Choi, Foster Eastman, Donald Graham, John Grey, Chet Lam, Jeremy Lee, and Michael Lee. Curated by Mini Choi and Michael Lee. July 31 - Aug 08, 2015 at Foster Eastman, 1442 West Pender St., Vancouver, B.C. Canada
https://www.facebook.com/events/1686568258233135/ +
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jn2UOqHteWs +
Exhibition 054 : Treeeeeeeeeeee, an art exhibition co-presented by Foster Eastman and Mini C, featuring works by Mini C, Jerry DesVoignes, Foster Eastman, M.L.A.K.F., Sandra Semchuk, and Wing Shya. Curated by Mini Choi. June 12 - 20, 2015 at Foster Eastman Gallery, 1442 West Pender Street, Downtown Vancouver, B.C., Canada
https://www.facebook.com/events/372144592982831/ +
https://youtu.be/WaohgZcfXS4 +
Exhibition 053 : H.A.J.I.GALLERISTS present "INSOMNIA", The moving pictures exhibition by Mini Choi and Michael Lee at Videotage.
May 8 - 22, 2015 at Videotage, Unit 13, Cattle Depot Artist Village, 63 Ma Tau Kok Road, To Kwa Wan, Kowloon, Hong Kong
https://www.facebook.com/events/375796682613145/ +
Exhibition 052 : "Face or Faces", An Art Exhibition Co-presented by Foster Eastman and Mini C ( H.A.J.I.GALLERISTS ). Featuring works by M.L.A.K.F., Pierre Castro, Alina Flame Senchenko, Agnon Wong, Foster Eastman, and Mini C. Curated by Mini C., H.A.J.I.GALLERISTS
April 10-18, 2015 at Foster Eastman, 1442 West Pender Street, Coal Harbour, Vancouver, B.C., Canada
https://www.facebook.com/events/1063227463705720 +
https://youtu.be/VqkNyytp5RY +
Exhibition 051 : “GRACE”, An Art Exhibitioin Featuring Works by M.L.A.K.F., Lemon Lee, Joelle Lei, Clara Lei, Mini C, and Foster Eastman. Co-presented by Foster Eastman and Mini C. Curated by Mini C., H.A.J.I.GALLERISTS
March 6- 14, 2015 at Foster Eastman, 1442 West Pender Street, Coal Harbour, Vancouver, B.C., Canada
https://www.facebook.com/events/1570592356520376 +
Exhibition 050 : "Desolation", Co-presented by Foster Eastman and Mini C. Featured Artists : Danny Lau, Wrongwroks, Santo Bongiorno, Mini C, and Foster Eastman. Curator: Mini C., H.A.J.I.GALLERISTS
January 30 - February 7, 2015 at Foster Eastman, 1442 West Pender Street, Coal Harbour, Vancouver, B.C., Canada
https://www.facebook.com/events/900073200024340 +
Exhibition 049 : H.A.J.I.GALLERISTS Present : Photo Works by michaelmichaelmichael
December 24 - December 31, 2014 at Repluse Bay, Hong Kong
PopUp Exhibition : An Art Installation with Gukzik Lau x Mini C. x michaelmichaelmichael x the Bookshop by MCCM Creations for deTour 2014 at PMQ
Novemver 28 - December 7, 2014 at PMQ, 35 Aberdeen Street, Central, Hong Kong
Exhibition 048 : Co-presented by Foster Eastman and Mini Choi, H.A.J.I.GALLERISTS - “ROSE”, A Collective Show of Paintings and Pictures
Featuring works by : Foster Eastman, Mini Choi, Derek Lei, Tai Keung Kan, Adachi Ayumi, Sarah Kohler, Gukzik Lau, and Chapman To
October 30 - November 8, 2014 at Foster Eastman, 1442 West Pender Street, Coal Harbour, Vancouver, B.C., Canada
https://www.facebook.com/events/597995196972170/ +
Exhibition 047 : H.A.J.I. Gallery Presents : "LeeLeeLee ... Hong Kong is still alive"
Art Exhibition by Lemon Lee, Matt Lee, and Michael Lee
October 3 - 16, 2013 at H.A.J.I. Gallery, Hong Kong
https://www.facebook.com/events/400655076723966/?ref_dashboard_filter=calendar +
https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.658030047550128.1073741843.194453147241156&type=3 +
Exhibition 046 : H.A.J.I. Gallery Presents : "Subjective Objects HK"
Curated by Kan Tai-keung. Artists : Kan Tai-keung, anothermountainman ( Stanley Wong ), Freeman Lau, Rex Chan, Benny Au, Chow So-hing, Clement Yick, Hung Keung, and Margaret Chu.
September 13 - September 30, 2013 at H.A.J.I. Gallery, Hong Kong
https://www.facebook.com/events/682179535144709/ +
https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.648440501842416.1073741841.194453147241156&type=1 +
Exhibition 045 : H.A.J.I. Gallery Presents : "10 years"
Solo Exhibition by Siy Tak Yin
August 31 - September 11, 2013 at H.A.J.I. Gallery, Hong Kong
https://www.facebook.com/events/1376690532559951/ +
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQSYgbnFAZA&feature=share&list=UUyYdHMhxc7PfPoCr0-rT1Vw +
Exhibition 044 : H.A.J.I. Gallery Presents : "Post-contemporary and dissociation, 2-Year-Old Birthday plus back to Hong Kong Exhibition Tour"
Art Exhibition with Leumas To
August 16 - August 28, 2013 at H.A.J.I. Gallery, Hong Kong
https://www.facebook.com/events/491600357597592/ +
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eoJSspZyaSA&feature=c4-overview&list=UUyYdHMhxc7PfPoCr0-rT1Vw +
Exhibition 043 : H.A.J.I. Gallery Presents : "Hong Kong Scenery"
Photography Exhibition with Peter Kan
August 3 - August 14, 2013 at H.A.J.I. Gallery, Hong Kong
https://www.facebook.com/events/421997447916478/ +
https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.629586157061184.1073741835.194453147241156&type=1 +
Exhibition 042 : H.A.J.I. Gallery Presents : "TWENTYBLISS"
a mixed media group ( debut ) exhibition with Jonathan Marco Aexel, Jocelyn Chan, Elliott Cost, Sarah Kohler, Rebecca T Lin, and Claire Raymond
July 19 - July 31, 2013 at H.A.J.I. Gallery, Hong Kong
https://www.facebook.com/events/405152882932176 +
https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.621748201178313.1073741834.194453147241156&type=1 +
Exhibition 041 : H.A.J.I. Gallery Presents : "Simple People"
Debut Solo Art Exhibition with Rex Koo
July 5 - July 17, 2013 at H.A.J.I. Gallery, Hong Kong
https://www.facebook.com/events/476729692402170 +
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZoAe_7VxKj0&feature=c4-overview&list=UUyYdHMhxc7PfPoCr0-rT1Vw +
https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.620938907925909.1073741833.194453147241156&type=1¬if_t=like +
Exhibition 040 : H.A.J.I. Gallery Presents : "We Eat, What Exactly are we eating?"
Art Exhibition with Gukzik Lau
June 7 - June 26, 2013 at H.A.J.I. Gallery, Hong Kong
https://www.facebook.com/events/177121269113774 +
https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.603398783013255.1073741831.194453147241156&type=1 +
Exhibition 039 : H.A.J.I. Gallery Presents : "Scrapbook Stories"
Art Exhibition by Three
May 16 - June 2, 2013 at H.A.J.I. Gallery, Hong Kong
https://www.facebook.com/events/608037179215688/ +
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lw-2vOzA_Og +
https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.593327664020367.1073741830.194453147241156&type=1¬if_t=like +
Exhibition 038 : H.A.J.I. Gallery Presents : "The Next Big Name"
Debut Photography Exhibition with Dicky Manana
May 3 - May 15, 2013 at H.A.J.I. Gallery, Hong Kong
https://www.facebook.com/events/181607108661986/ +
https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.589712287715238.1073741829.194453147241156&type=3 +
Exhibition 037 : H.A.J.I. Gallery Presents : "HEXIT"
Debut Photography and Painting Exhibition by TCH
April 19 - May 1, 2013 at H.A.J.I. Gallery, Hong Kong
http://www.facebook.com/events/160291837467552 +
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GDmy-P2CjKE&list=PL1KJczNVLFlL9qmV8YNOaGNTOg-Jd1HQ1 +
Exhibition 036 : H.A.J.I. Gallery Presents : "Days of Being"
A group exhibition by EASY-PACK A group Exhibition with 13 Units who work in EASY-PACK Industrial Building, including Aidan Li, Bernard Li, The CAVE Creative Workshop, Butcher Lab, HeHeHe, HK HONEY, HK FARM, HONED ( BeCandle & 332C ), KaCaMa, KKKKK, PMFK, UN, and 2 YEARS AHEAD
April 3 - April 16, 2013 at H.A.J.I. Gallery, Hong Kong
https://www.facebook.com/events/120535334806256/ +
https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.575823645770769.1073741826.194453147241156&type=1 +
Exhibition 035 : H.A.J.I. Gallery Presents : "March 71"
Dr. Kan Tai-keung SBS Solo Exhibition 2013
March 4 - March 26, 2013 at H.A.J.I. Gallery, Hong Kong
https://www.facebook.com/events/480596025321071/ +
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BnYgqvF8B8Y +
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QLDIJEYluMQ&list=UUyYdHMhxc7PfPoCr0-rT1Vw&index=3 +
Exhibition 034 : H.A.J.I. Gallery Presents : "Time Box Machine"
Solo Painting Exhibition with Eric Ng
February 16 - March 2, 2013 at H.A.J.I. Gallery, Hong Kong
https://www.facebook.com/events/426258830785314 +
https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.555656191120848.125634.194453147241156&type=3 +
Exhibition 033 : H.A.J.I. Gallery Presents : "Testament"
with Artist Couples. Participating Artists : Tat and Vi at Graphicairlines, Kan and MOni at RightHandRabbit, Ricky and Jillian at Shingha Theatre, Eileen and Kalun at The Yesterdayskin, Mini and Michael at H.A.J.I.
February 2 - February 14, 2013 at H.A.J.I. Gallery, Hong Kong
https://www.facebook.com/events/406544859420829/ +
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xsSU9_ndqZo&list=UUyYdHMhxc7PfPoCr0-rT1Vw&index=1 +
Exhibition 032 : H.A.J.I. Gallery Presents : "Say Yeah"
An art exhibition with William Outcast Chan ( Participating Artists : Wlliam Outcast Chan, AMA, Anothermountainman, Bobby Sham, Caffeine Park, Chan Gua, Holland Happy, Ivana Wong, Kokdamon Lam, KOLOR, michaelmichaelmichael, Montagut Chuen, Ringo@WPW, Siuyuk Luk, and To Lee )
January 19 - January 31, 2013 at H.A.J.I. Gallery, Hong Kong
https://www.facebook.com/events/500805366625665/ +
https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.538833086136492.123753.194453147241156&type=3 +
Exhibition 031 : H.A.J.I. Gallery Presents : "Mind to Mind Crossover 2013"
An art exhibition with Candy Lo and Friends
January 4 - January 17, 2013 at H.A.J.I. Gallery, Hong Kong
https://www.facebook.com/events/579018658781471/ +
https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.533060040047130.122946.194453147241156&type=1 +
Exhibition 030 : H.A.J.I. Gallery Presents : "LOVE. Once Found."
Photo-exhibition with Henry CK
December 16 - December 31, 2012 at H.A.J.I. Gallery, Hong Kong
https://www.facebook.com/events/519253321431746/ +
https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.522257517794049.121123.194453147241156&type=3 +
https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151370867334468.531552.669024467&type=1 +
Exhibition 029 : H.A.J.I. Gallery Presents : "a scene"
Painting exhibition with by Ayumi Adachi
December 1 - December 14, 2012 at H.A.J.I. Gallery, Hong Kong
https://www.facebook.com/events/297577553693890 +
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WQgBJglS5fo&list=UUyYdHMhxc7PfPoCr0-rT1Vw&index=1 +
Exhibition 028 : H.A.J.I. Gallery Presents : "Seasonal by HK Farm"
Group exhibition with HK Farm ( Michael Leung, Matthew Edmondson, and Glenn Eugen Ellingsen )
November 14 - November 29, 2012 at H.A.J.I. Gallery, Hong Kong
https://www.facebook.com/events/128677770616959/ +
https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.508240679195733.118914.194453147241156&type=1 +
https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.448466521856260.92245.337932462909667&type=1 +
Exhibition 027 : H.A.J.I. Gallery Presents : "10P - Illustration & Installation Exhibition"
Group exhibition with Lai Tat Tat Wing, Li Chi Tak, Leumas To, Jinno Neko, Si Liu, Benny Au, Postgal, Vicky Fung, michaelmichaelmichael, and Mini Choi
October 27 - November 12, 2012 at H.A.J.I. Gallery, Hong Kong
https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.499707013382433.117290.194453147241156&type=3 +
Exhibition 026 : H.A.J.I. Gallery Presents : "Moon Pond: Reflections of China"
Photo-exhibition with Jo Farrell
October 11 - October 25, 2012 at H.A.J.I. Gallery, Hong Kong
https://www.facebook.com/events/478925972147488/ +
https://www.facebook.com/events/311994345575001/ +
https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151115848326094.445820.649421093&type=1 +
Exhibition 025 : H.A.J.I. Gallery Presents : "Behind and Beyond"
Debut Photo-exhibition and book launch with Vivian Wong
September 15 - October 4, 2012 at H.A.J.I. Gallery, Hong Kong
https://www.facebook.com/events/424960037555387/ +
https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.482457088440759.113408.194453147241156&type=1 +
Exhibition 024 : H.A.J.I. Gallery Presents : "Totemo Japanese Illustration Exhibition"
Illustration exhibition with Peggy Sen Sei
August 4 - August 19, 2012 at H.A.J.I. Gallery, Hong Kong
https://www.facebook.com/events/100818856732591/ +
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CLdw3iv6N28&feature=plcp +
Exhibition 023 : H.A.J.I. Gallery Presents : "H.A.J.I. Gallery and Hong Kong Repertory Theatre present 'RED' Painting Exhibition"
Paintings by Chow Chun Fai, Fung Wai Hang, Ko Hon Man, Yau Ting Fai, and Lai Sim Fong,
July 18 - July 31, 2012 at H.A.J.I. Gallery, Hong Kong
https://www.facebook.com/events/151193971684112/ +
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p3r4ZmEPPSs&feature=plcp +
Exhibition 022 : H.A.J.I. Gallery Presents : "AloneTogether"
Debut Photo-exhibition and book launch with Christopher Luk
June 30 - July 14, 2012 at H.A.J.I. Gallery, Hong Kong
https://www.facebook.com/events/283642548394501/ +
https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.453248168028318.105639.194453147241156&type=1 +
Exhibition 021 : H.A.J.I. Gallery Presents : "Eye-Catching Sketch Exhibition by Lee Chi Ching"
Paintings and drawings by Lee Chi Ching. Co-presented by H.A.J.I. Gallery and IPPOU Creative House.
June 9 - June 24, 2012 at H.A.J.I. Gallery, Hong Kong
https://www.facebook.com/events/153202114811515/ +
https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.441486052537863.103564.194453147241156&type=1¬if_t=like +
Exhibition 020 : H.A.J.I. Gallery Presents : "The Obscure Desire of Objects"
An exhibition with Chow Yiu Fai and his students ( Yvette Wong, Sui Swii Lam, Beryl Foo, Jeska Chau, Arlai Ho-lun Chio ) based on recreations of his lyrical works.
May 19 - June 7, 2012 at H.A.J.I. Gallery, Hong Kong
https://www.facebook.com/events/302025016546308/ +
https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150909854179921.436716.136301214920&type=1 +
Exhibition 019 : H.A.J.I. Gallery Presents : "The Obscure Object Of Desire"
Photo-exhibition with Yu Yat-yiu / PangPang Lu
April 28 - May 17, 2012 at H.A.J.I. Gallery, Hong Kong
https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.368875433148703.74294.337932462909667&type=1 +
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gDgV-dMR-mE&feature=plcp +
Exhibition 018 : H.A.J.I. Gallery Presents : "Homework"
Debut Photo-exhibition with Chet Lam Yat-Fung
April 7 - April 26, 2012 at H.A.J.I. Gallery, Hong Kong
https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150733097824921.423953.136301214920&type=1 +
Exhibition 017 : H.A.J.I. Gallery Presents : "Post 70 Art Exhibition"
Art Exhibition by Dr. Kan Tai-keung SBS
March 4 - April 4, 2012 at H.A.J.I. Gallery, Hong Kong
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150609394921094&set=a.193040966093.131553.649421093&type=1&theater +
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150691677189921&set=a.181296434920.119212.136301214920&type=1&theater +
https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150660983659921.413451.136301214920&type=3 +
Exhibition 016 : H.A.J.I. Gallery Presents : "TheWeather Report"
Poetry by Ng Ka Keung + Art by Pattsing Chau
February 4 - 26, 2012 at H.A.J.I. Gallery, Hong Kong
https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151254722845548.806295.515160547&type=3 +
https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151231459200316.793756.689610315&type=1&l=62adb2caea +
http://youtu.be/-NyQ7um8S1M +
Exhibition 015 : H.A.J.I. Gallery Presents : "World Wide Wandering"
Debut Photo-exhibition with Jill VC
January 13 - February 3, 2012 at H.A.J.I. Gallery, Hong Kong
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gY9p0PwGhRY&feature=youtu.be +
Exhibition 014 : H.A.J.I. Gallery Presents : "Wall We 2"
Photo-exhibition with Steven River
December 9, 2011 - January 6, 2012 at H.A.J.I. Gallery, Hong Kong
https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150425036801094.365182.649421093&type=1 +
Exhibition 013 : H.A.J.I. Gallery Presents : "We Are So Cute Art Exhibition"
Illustration with C Chung
November 13 - December 6, 2011 at H.A.J.I. Gallery, Hong Kong
https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150408411074921.379114.136301214920&type=1 +
Exhibition 012 : H.A.J.I. Gallery Presents : "Hong Kong Odyssey"
Illustration and Photo-exhibition with Mathias Woo
October 8 - November 6, 2011 at H.A.J.I. Gallery, Hong Kong
https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150330508746094.350471.649421093&type=3 +
Exhibition 011 : H.A.J.I. Gallery Presents : "We Are All Romantic Good Children: Where is our Paradise far from the madding crowd ?"
Debut Illustration exhibition with Leumas To
August 12 - September 10, 2011at H.A.J.I. Gallery, Hong Kong
http://youtu.be/U4sjlU18nhQ +
https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150753206470548.721640.515160547&type=1 +
https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.136194719803772.31135.100002397344565 +
Exhibition 010 : H.A.J.I. Gallery Presents : "moments"
Debut Photo-exhibition with Peter Kam
July 24- August 10, 2011at H.A.J.I. Gallery, Hong Kong
Exhibition 009 : "Outofstock.com.hk X RMC Fashionable Furniture"
June 5 - June 22, 2011 at H.A.J.I. Gallery, Hong Kong
at Rat's Cave and H.A.J.I. Gallery, 50 artists celebrating 50 years of Amnesty International.
May 28 - Jun 11, 2011
Artists include :
Ama, anothermoutainman, Anthony Wong, Au Hoi Lam, Bo Puinar Hui, Chan Hiu Tung, Chochukmo, Cowrice, The Cave, Chu Hing Wa, Douglas Young, Fongie Chan, Graphicairlines, Gukzik Lau, Henry Chu, Him Lo, Jaffa Lam Laam, Jing Wong, Joseph Tsang, Kacey Wong, Kay Wong, Keith Lam, KS, Lily Lau, Liu Waitong (Liao Weitang), Lo Yuen-yi, Martin Cheung, MC Yan, Michael Leung, michaelmichaelmichael, Mui Chong Ki, Pak Sheung Chuen, Paul Lung, Phil Kan, Prodip Leung, Start from zero, Sunnie Chan, Telephone Fung, Thickest Choi, Topaz Leung, Wong Hiu Fung, Apple, Willis Ho, and Wudai Shiguo
http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150199116631094.315387.649421093&type=1 +
Exhibition 007 : H.A.J.I. Gallery Presents : "Filme Happy Shooting- Kodachrome Photo Exhibition"
Debut Photo-exhibition with Filme
May 13 - June 3, 2011at H.A.J.I. Gallery, Hong Kong
Artists / Photographers :
Chapman To, CC@Filme, RiTa Chan, MP, Penny Hsu, Raymond Li, Suyi Tam, PT Zhao, cockatiella, Frank Mak, Jonathan Maloney, Aho mochan, Peony Lai, Jacob Lin, and Since Alive Creations
Exhibition 006 : H.A.J.I. Gallery Presents : "Towards Disappearance"
Debut Photo-exhibition with Lemon Lee
April 15 - May 7, 2011 at H.A.J.I. Gallery, Hong Kong
Exhibition 005 : H.A.J.I. Gallery Presents : "Untitled"
Photo-exhibition with LKF aka michaelmichaelmichael
February 17 - April 06, 2011 at H.A.J.I. Gallery, Hong Kong
Exhibition 004 : H.A.J.I. Gallery Presents : "WALL WE"
Photo-exhibition with 10 Magazine.hk
Jan 21 - Feb 11, 2011 at H.A.J.I. Gallery
Exhibition 003 : H.A.J.I. Gallery Presents : "Pop-up Exhibition"
with Start From Zero
Jan 09 - Jan 20, 2011 at H.A.J.I. Gallery, Hong Kong
Exhibition 002 : H.A.J.I. Gallery Presents : "Itchy Art Exhibition"
with "Hatch.hk x H.A.J.I."
Artists : Benny Luk, Casper Chan, Jack Lee, Johnny Cheuk, Kate Barnett, Meshiria Chan, Montagut Chuen, PikPik Zoo, Rita Ip, and Toby Yeung
Dec 10, 2010 - Jan 08, 2011 at H.A.J.I. Gallery, Hong Kong
Exhibition 001 : H.A.J.I. Gallery Presents : "Cat Is Not Lonely"
Exhibition with Gigi Leung, Makin Fung, Start From Zero, and Pius Yiu
Nov 21 - Dec 09, 2010 at H.A.J.I. Gallery, Hong Kong
\ Thank you for supporting Mini and Michael Gallerists in the past 100+ exhibitions, this is our 200+ Artist List :
*Ada Chan - Exhibition 075 / *Agnon Wong - Exhibition 052 / Aho Mochan - Exhibition 007 / Aidan Li - Exhibition 036 / Alfred Lai - Exhibition 062 / *Alina Flame Senchenko - Exhibition 052 / Ama - Exhibition 008, 032 / *Andrej Krestan - Exhibition 070 /*Andy Alaniya-Vasserman - Exhibition 109 /*Anice Wong - Exhibition 060 / anothermoutainman - Stanley Wong - Exhibition 008, 032, 046 / Anthony Wong - Exhibition 008 / Apple - Exhibition 008 / Arlai Ho-lun Chio - Exhibition 020 / Au Hoi Lam - Exhibition 008 / *Ayumi Adachi - Exhibition 029, 048 / *B. Wyse - Exhibition 064, 065 / *Babak Valizadeh - Exhibition 064, 065 / Benny Au - Exhibition 027, 046 / Benny Luk - Exhibition 002 / Bernard Li - Exhibition 036 / Beryl Foo - Exhibition 020 / Bo Puinar Hui - Exhibition 008 / Bobby Sham - Exhibition 032 / Butcher Lab - Exhibition 036 / C Chung - Exhibition 013 / Caffeine Park - Exhibition 032 / Candy Lo - Exhibition 031 / *Carl Amouzou - Exhibition 064, 065 / Casper Chan - Exhibition 002 / CC@Filme - Exhibition 007 / *Celine Simpson - Exhibition 073 / Chan Gua - Exhibition 032 / Chan Hiu Tung - Exhibition 008 / *Chapman To - Exhibition 007, 048 / Chochukmo - Exhibition 008 / Chow So-hing - Exhibition 046 / Claire Raymond - Exhibition 042 / Chow Chun Fai - Exhibition 023 / *Chris Reed - Exhibition 072 / *Christopher Luk - Exhibition 022, 070 / Chu Hing Wa - Exhibition 008 / *Clara Lei - Exhibition 051 / Clement Yick - Exhibition 046 / Cockatiella - Exhibition 007 / Cowrice - Exhibition 008 / *Daniel Manrique Boeppler - Exhibition 070 / *Danny Lau - Exhibition 050 / *Derek Lei - Exhibition 048 / Dicky_Manana - Exhibition 038 / *Donald Graham - Exhibition 055, 076 / Douglas Young - Exhibition 008 / Dr. Chow Yiu Fai - Exhibition 020 / *Dr. Kan Tai Keung SBS - Exhibition 017, 035, 046, 048, 092 / *Dr. Paul Spilsbury - Exhibition 100, 107 / Elliott Cost - Exhibition 042 / Eric Ng - Exhibition 034 / Fongie Chan - Exhibition 008 / *Foster Eastman - Exhibition 048, 050, 051, 052, 054, 055, 056, 057, 060, 061, 063, 064, 066, 068, 073, 076 / Frank Mak - Exhibition 007 / Freeman Lau - Exhibition 046 / Fung Wai Hang - Exhibition 023 / *Genevieve Graham - Exhibition 061 / Gigi Leung - Exhibition 001 / *Glenn Eugen Ellingsen - Exhibition 028, 036, 070 / Graphicairlines - Tat - Exhibition 008, 033 / Graphicairlines - Kathy - Exhibition 008, 033 / *Gukzik Lau - Exhibition 008, 040, 048, 107 / HeHeHe - Exhibition 036 / Henry CK - Exhibition 030 / Henry Chu - Exhibition 008 /*Henry Park - Exhibition 109 Him Lo - Exhibition 008 / Holland Happy - Exhibition 032 / HONED - 332C - Exhibition 036 / HONED - BeCandle - Exhibition 036 / Hung Keung - Exhibition 046 / *Indika - Exhibition 056, 071, 092 / Ivana Wong - Exhibition 032 / Jack Lee - Exhibition 002 / Jacob Lin - Exhibition 007 / Jaffa Lam Laam - Exhibition 008 / *Jenny Jie Yeon Lee - Exhibition 057, 063, 075 / *Jeremy Lee - Exhibition 055, 071 / *Jerry DesVoignes - Exhibition 054 / Jeska Chau - Exhibition 020 / Jill VC - Exhibition 015 / Jing Wong - Exhibition 008 / Jinno Neko - Exhibition 027 / Jo Farrell - Exhibition 026 / Jocelyn Chan - Exhibition 042 / *Joelle Lei - Exhibition 051 / *John Grey - Exhibition 055 / Johnny Cheuk - Exhibition 002 / Jonathan Marco Aexel - Exhibition 042 / Jonathan Maloney - Exhibition 007 / Joseph Tsang - Exhibition 008 /Julia Klostermann - Exhibition 109 / Kacey Wong - Exhibition 008 / KaCaMa - Exhibition 036 / Kate Barnett - Exhibition 002 /Kay Wong - Exhibition 008 / Keith Lam - Exhibition 008 /*Keira De Sousa - Exhibition 109 / *Kirsten Geekie - Exhibition 057 /KKKKK - Exhibition 036 / Ko Hon Man - Exhibition 023 / Kokdamon Lam - Exhibition 032 / Kolor - Exhibition 032 / KS - Exhibition 008 / Lai Sim Fong - Exhibition 023 / Lai Tat Tat Wing - Exhibition 027 / *Lam Yat Fung Chet - Exhibition 018, 055 / Lee Chi Ching - Exhibition 021 / *Lemon Lee / Christopher Lee - Exhibition 006, 047, 058, 051, 102, 103, 110 /*Leslie Benson - Exhibition 109 / Leumas To - Exhibition 011, 027, 044 / Li Chi Tak - Exhibition 027 / Lily Lau - Exhibition 008 / Liu Waitong - Liao Weitang - Exhibition 008 / Lo Yuen-yi - Exhibition 008 / *Louis Dombowsky - Exhibition 056 / *Luisa Abuchaibe Boeppler - Exhibition 068 / Makin Fung - Exhibition 001 / Margaret Chu - Exhibition 046 / Martin Cheung - Exhibition 008 / Mathias Woo - Exhibition 012 / Matt Lee - Exhibition 047, 058, 102, 103 / *Matthew Edmondson - Exhibition 028, 036, 070 / *Matthew Haylett - Exhibition 072 / MC Yan - Exhibition 008 / *Meng Shen - Exhibition 061, 066, 070 / Meshiria Chan - Exhibition 002 / *michaelmichaelmichael - Michael Lee - Exhibition 005, 008, 027, 032, 033, 047, 049, 053, 058, 062, 051, 052, 054, 055, 056, 057, 059, 060, 061, 063, 064, 065, 066, 067, 068, 069, 070, 071. 072, 073, 074, 075. 076, 077, 079, 080, 081, 084, 085, 086, 087, 088, 089, 090, 091, 092, 093, 094, 095, 096, 097, 098, 099, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107 / *Michael Leung - Exhibition 008, 028, 036, 070 /*Mikayla Lee - Exhibition 109 / *Milk DoNg - Exhibition 100 / *Mini Choi - Exhibition 027, 033, 053, 058, 062, 048, 050, 051, 052, 054, 055, 056, 057, 059, 060, 061, 063, 064, 065, 066, 067, 068, 069, 070, 071, 072, 073, 074, 075, 076, 077, 078, 079, 080, 081, 082, 083, 084, 085, 086, 087, 088, 089, 090, 091, 092, 093, 094. 095 096, 097, 098, 099, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 111 / *Miss Yellow - Exhibition 064, 065 /*Mohammad Reza Safdari - Exhibition 109 / *Monica Magana - Exhibition 061 / Montagut Chuen - Exhibition 002, 032 / MP - Exhibition 007 / Mui Chong Ki - Exhibition 008 / Ng Ka Keung - Exhibition 016 / Outofstock .com .hk - Exhibition 009 / *PangPang Lu - Exhibition 019, 070 / *Patrick Lee - Exhibition 058, 102, 103 / Pattsing Chau - Exhibition 016 / Paul Lung - Exhibition 008, 032 / Peggy Sen Sei - Exhibition 024 / Penny Hsu - Exhibition 007 / Peony Lai - Exhibition 007 / *Peter Kam - Exhibition 010, 076 / Peter Kan - Exhibition 043 / Pak Sheung Chuen - Exhibition 008 / Phil Kan - PMFK - Exhibition 008, 036 / *Pieann Lee - Exhibition 076 / *Pierre Castro - Exhibition 052, 061 / PikPik Zoo - Exhibition 002 / Pius Yiu - Exhibition 001 / *Pong Lam - Exhibition 060 / Postgal - Exhibition 027 / Prodip Leung - Exhibition 008 / PT Zhao - Exhibition 007 / *Rainer Torrado - Exhibition 066 / Raymond Li - Exhibition 007 / Rebecca T Lin - Exhibition 042 /*Reyhaneh Safdari - Exhibition 109 /Rex Chan - Exhibition 046 / Rex Koo - Exhibition 041 / *Rev. Aaron Miller - Exhibition 107 /*Rev. Dr. Alan Lai - Exhibition 112 / RightHandRabbit - Kan - Exhibition 033 / RightHandRabbit - MOni - Exhibition 033 / Ringo@WPW - Exhibition 032 / RiTa Chan - Exhibition 007 / Rita Ip - Exhibition 002 / RMC - Exhibition 009 / *Sandra Semchuk - Exhibition 054 / *Sarah Kohler - Exhibition 042, 048 / *Sean Cao - Exhibition 063 / *Sean Wallish - Exhibition 060 / *Shelf Index - Exhibition 062, 063 / Shingha Theatre - Ricky - Exhibition 033 / Shingha Theatre - Jillian - Exhibition 033 / Si Liu - Exhibition 027 / Siy Tak Yin - Exhibition 045 / Since Alive Creations - Exhibition 007 / Siuyuk Luk - Exhibition 032 / Start From Zero - Exhibition 001, 003, 008 / Steven River - Exhibition 004, 014 / Sui Sui Lam - Exhibition 020 / Sunnie Chan - Exhibition 008 / *Susan Yeung - Exhibition 092 / Suyi Tam - Exhibition 007 / *Taylor Krulicki - Exhibition 064, 065 / TCH - Exhibition 037 / Telephone Fung - Exhibition 008 / The Cave - Exhibition 008, 036 / The Yesterdayskin - Eileen - Exhibition 033 / The Yesterdayskin - Kalun - Exhibition 033 / Thickest Choi - Exhibition 008 / Three - Exhibition 039 / To Lee - Exhibition 032 / Toby Yeung - Exhibition 002 / Topaz Leung - Exhibition 008 / UN - Exhibition 036 / Vicky Fung - Exhibition 027 / *Valancy Sissons - Exhibition 068 /*Victoria Klostermann - Exhibition 109 / *Vivian Wong - Exhibition 025, 066 / Willis Ho - Exhibition 008 / William Outcast Chan - Exhibition 032 / *Wing Shya - Exhibition 054 / Wong Hiu Fung - Exhibition 008 / Wrongwroks - Exhibition 050 / Wudai Shiguo - Exhibition 008 / Yau Ting Fai - Exhibition 023 / *Yu Yat Yiu - Exhibition 019, 070 / Yvette Wong - Exhibition 020 / *Zoran Dragelj - Exhibition 075 / ( * EXHIBITED IN NORTH AMERICA )
\ About Mini and Michael:
\ Mini Choi \ Wikipedia
Mini Choi is an interdisciplinary artist and pastor who has cast herself in roles as a broadcaster, author, lyricist, director, columnist, painter, and gallerist. Mini worked as DJ, Producer, Music Director, and Content Development Strategist at Commercial Radio Hong Kong, the most popular radio channel for the younger generation. She also worked for TVB, Now TV, HK Cable TV, and RTHK. Mini, an award-winning lyricist, has published five books and over three hundred lyrics. She has been invited as a guest lecturer, teacher, teaching assistant, and speaker at The University of Hong Kong, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Metropolitan University, Parsons School of Design, Regent College, Vancouver School of Theology, and The University of British Columbia. Mini holds a Master of Arts in Theological Studies with a concentration in Christianity and the Arts from Regent College and a Bachelor of Business Administration from Simon Fraser University.
\ Mini's Facebook FansPage - https://www.facebook.com/MINICHOIOFFICIAL
\ Mini and Michael Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/MINIANDMICHAEL
\ Mini and Michael - OnlineShop - http://www.miniandmichael.bigcartel.com
\ Mini Choi's Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/minichoi
\ MIni's Twitter - https://twitter.com/mini_choi
\ Mini's Instagram - http://instagram.com/minichoi
\ Mini and Michael Gallerists' Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/miniandmichaelgallerists/
\ Minia nd Michael w/ FōS - http://www.michaelmichaelmichael.com/MINIandMICHAELandFOS.html
\ The Twelve Apostles - A MINI CHOI FILM - https://www.facebook.com/136301214920/videos/543890999424806/ + https://www.regent-college.edu/about-us/events/event-details?event_id=878&fbclid=IwAR1eFWERrjHaCZE_EJcZ5XJfSFldFhIWfG4e9_qdNGcMG4haqRy-neFNCGM + https://www.facebook.com/events/1977082959260205/
\ Wow Canada - https://www.facebook.com/WeAreWowCanada
\ MINISTRY by Mini and Michael - https://www.facebook.com/MINISTRYBYMINIANDMICHAEL
\ PRESS MINI - www.Facebook.com/PRESSMINI + www.Youtube.com/PRESSMINI
\ Support MMMM at Patreon http://www.patreon.com/wearemmmm
\ Rev. Mini Choi, United Church of Canada https://www.thornhillunitedchurch.ca/our-leadership
\ Michael Lee \ Linkedin
Michael Lee, a.k.a. michaelmichaelmichael is a designer and a media artist, graduated from Emily Carr University of Art and Design, a world leader in education and research, and studied at Regent College, an innovative graduate school of evangelical theology. michaelmichaelmichael is the co-founder of "Mini and Michael Gallerists" and "PRESS MINI", the crossmedia business establishment airing since 2011, incorporated since 2008. Mini and Michael Gallerists is an innovative global art business serving clients from Asia to North America. 200+ artists exhibited with us in 100+ exhibitions. PRESS MINI broadcasts lifestyle inspirations: art, culture, design, food, and travel. We promote moments and celebrate choices via events, prints, and screens. We inspire stylish people who obsess for quality and individuality. As a designer / art director / creative director / director, michaelmichaelmichael worked in leading media and communication companies - Hong Kong Commercial Broadcasting Co., Ltd. ( Commercial Radio ), Television Broadcasting Limited ( TVB is listed on the The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited - SEHK: 00511 ), and PCCW Limited ( PCCW shares are listed on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited - SEHK: 00008 and traded in the form of American Depositary Receipts on the OTC Markets Group Inc. in the U.S. - Ticker: PCCWY ). As an artist, michaelmichaelmichael's works were shown in Canada, China, France, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, Macau, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
\ PRESS MINI - www.Facebook.com/PRESSMINI + www.Youtube.com/PRESSMINI
\ Mini and Michael Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/MINIANDMICHAEL
\ Mini and Michael - OnlineShop - http://www.miniandmichael.bigcartel.com
\ Mini and Michael Gallerists' Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/miniandmichaelgallerists/
\ MINISTRY by Mini and Michael - https://www.facebook.com/MINISTRYBYMINIANDMICHAEL
\ Michael's Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/michaelmichaelmichael.lee
\ Michael's Instagram - http://instagram.com/michaelmichaelmichaeldotcom
\ Michael's Broadcasts - http://www.youtube.com/mmmairvideo
\ Wow Canada - https://www.facebook.com/WeAreWowCanada
\ HKPOP - https://www.facebook.com/weareHKPOP
\ HONGKONGERSINCANADA - https://www.facebook.com/HongkongersInCanada
\ Support MMMM at Patreon http://www.patreon.com/wearemmmm
\ Gallery of Faith - United Church of Canada's new Emerging Community of Faith - http://www.facebook.com/groups/GALLERYofFaith
\ michaelmichaelmichael.com, Mini and Michael © 2024 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Contact Mini and Michael : info@michaelmichaelmichael.com
Support MMMM at Patreon http://www.patreon.com/wearemmmm